
"Ozymandias" Grades

I believe I have corrected all the analyses of "Ozymandias". If you do not have a score in StudentVue, it is because you are yet to make up the test from an absence, your assignment did not reach me, or you are blowing it off. Please, if you have no grade, let me know which it is. (Option three is not recommended.)

Sorry, not the greatest representation here; the "visage" is not "half sunk" and I am not sure that facial expression qualifies as a "sneer of cold command", but you get the idea. I can only assume this image is a photoshop. But it is interesting how this poem, taught in high schools and colleges everywhere, keeps old Ozy alive, barely, for another generation. Does anyone currently "despair" while viewing it?

(You guys and gals could comment every now and then.)


  1. Is it funny that when I took the test this is exactly what I thought of? (The picture of the statue)

  2. The part of the poem that talks about the "sneer of cold command" kind of reminds me of a (fictional) book I read where an archaeologist finds the head of the statue of king Nebuchadnezzar. It is a really cool series, it is a Christian book series called The Rise of Babylon if anyone is interested.

    1. *It is a series by a Christian author
      The way I worded it the first time sounded weird...
